De Complicate.Life is Simple.

“You are hopelessly lazy. I am tired  of the  complaints that your teacher has against you "yelled Radha. 
Atul was a naughty kid but just as any kid  of his age would be. His Granny sat reading religious book in one corner overhearing the loud exchanges. 
"Will you not talk some sense into him " continued  Radha trying to get her husband to address his son.
He wrote an essay on , "My achievement " that  how on a lovely sunny  day he and his Granny found the right pot.Planted a seed and carefully watered it. Within a week a new sapling peeped out.She caught her forehead and just sat down heavily on the sofa.

 "Look Son, explained dad Achievement is when you go against all odds, put  in loads of struggle ,work hard and then get something.This sapling and all is not an achievement ". Atul looked perplexed with a sad expression of  someone stripped off his medals.

The following week ,Granny happens to meet the same teacher at an event .Since they know each other they begin to chat. Granny asks the teacher about her life and achievements. 
To this the teacher proudly tells her of her decent job and two lovely kids ,loving husband . In all a happy family."So, I think I have achieved something in life ". 
Oh! were they born late ? questioned  Granny.
"No !I got my first kid within a year and half and the second in a span of another  four years of marraige." 
Did you have any miscarriages?relationship or financial challenges?
No !now the teacher was getting irritated with the irrelevant questions. 

"What kind of achievement is that? asked Granny.Anyone get's married ,becomes pregnant, delivers kids and brings them up .So what kind of an achievement is that to be proud of. 
If you had challenging relationship or miscarriages and  Some other complications then you should boast of it as an achievement.
Any seed sown and growing into a sapling is no achievement,Isn't it?"

The teacher understood her own folly .

Happiness and  achievements are just as simple .
Celebrate small victories and be happy!


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