Memory drawings were so much more easier to draw as kids ,but as you grow up you start realising that the sun doesn’t always peep from between the scenically located mountains , nor does the land end where the sky begins .That’s exactly when memory drawings start becoming more complex to draw.
Congratulations !The complications have set in .
During this art sessions, we realise that to make the figures and images more evident or impactful , we have to set them apart from the rest by highlighting or demarcating them with a darker or a black coloured sketch pen.
Awesome! What looked like just a drawing now stands up as a beautiful picture.Highlighting the images that makes it more appealing.
That’s so relevant in our life too. life seems more complex.Someone else seems to be better at the job or hobbies than you.
Yet, if you want to make an appealing picture out of your own life.Then each task or decision taken has to be highlighted or demarcated by courage and conviction that will set it apart from the routine.
So, go ahead and do any task.
BUT ! do it with courage and see a lovely picture emerge.
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